열정 야매자료실

35가지 소셜미디어 인포그래픽 모음

35가지 소셜미디어 관련 인포그래픽 모음을 발견하고 블로그에 옮겨 담았습니다.

기간이 좀 오래된것도 있지만, 전반적인 이해를 돕는데 충분할것 같습니다.

소셜미디어 관련 프리즌테이션, 블로깅, 리포트등에 이용하시면 좋을것 같습니다.

1. The Social Engagement Spectrum

2. 10 Levels of Intimacy in Today’s Communication

3. The Social Media Effect



4. Social Marketing Compass

5. Facebook vs. Twitter

6. Balance Your Media Diet

7. Social Media Statistics



8. Social Web Involvement



9. The Spectrum of Online Friendship

10. How People Share Content on the Web

11. Donut Marketing

12. Twitter Territory

13. Twitter PR Strategy

14. The Journey of a Tweet

15. The Hierarchy of Digital Distractions

16. When Social Media Attacks

17. The Art of Listening



18. The Conversation Prism



19. Word of Mouth Visualized



20. Social Web Reputation Management Cycles



21. Twitter Statistics



22. The Story (So Far) of Twitter



23. Who Participates Online



24. Gender Balance on Social Networking Sites



25. Building a Company With Social Media



26. The Life Cycle of a Blog Post, From Servers to Spiders to Suits—to You



27. Social Media Spending



28. The Facebook Juggernaut



29. Twitter Perceptions of Google Buzz Over Time



30. Breakdown of the Blogosphere



31. Visualizing 6 Years of Facebook



32. The Boom of Social Sites



33. Age Distribution of Social Sites



34. Make Social Media Work for Your Company



35. The World Map of Social Networks

추가자료: 65개 소셜미디어 인포그래픽 모음: http://vonchio.blog.me/110106262246

원본출처: http://www.pamorama.net/2010/03/03/35-great-social-media-infographics